Discovering the Demographic Makeup of Ajax
The town of Ajax has been growing for decades. Like many regions in Canada, especially urban or urban adjacent communities, immigration significantly contributes to the demographic makeup in Ajax Ontario and change.
Census 2016 | Census 2021 | Change |
Population |
119,677 | 126,245 | +5.4% |
Ajax, Square Kilometers | 67 | 67 | 0 |
Population Density (residents per square kilometer) | 1786.2 | 1884.2 | +5.5% |
Residential Homes (of all kinds) | 37,549 | 39,488 | +5.2% |
Median Age | 37.4 | 38.4 | +2.7% |
Gender Ratio, Number of Men to Women | .936 | .948 | +1.2% |
Married Couples (or Common Law, over the age of 15) | 58.4% | 58.1% | -0.5% |
Percentage of Residents 65 and Older | 11% | 13.1% | +19.1% |
Percentage of Residents 14 and Younger | 19.77% | 18.7% | -5.4% |
Visible Minorities as a Percentage of Population | 56.7% | 64.6% | +13.9% |
Largest Share of Minorities as a Percentage of Total Population | South Asian at 20.9% | South Asian at 26.2% | +25.3% |
Percentage of Population Identifying as Christian | N/A | 50.8% | N/A |
Percentage of Population Identifying as Hindu | N/A | 11.6% | N/A |
Percentage of Population Identifying as Muslim | N/A | 14% | N/A |
Percentage of Population Identifying as Sikh | N/A | 1.2% | N/A |
Percentage of Populations Experiencing a Move | 9% | 9.4% | +4.4% |
Percentage of Population Aged 15+ Holding a Least a High School Certificateā | 84.9% | 86.5% | +1.9% |
Percentage of Adults Holding Postsecondary Certificate, Diploma, or Degree | 55.9% | 68% | +21.6% |
Percentage of Adults Holding Bachelor’s Degree or Higher | 24.4% | 29.6% | +21.3% |
Total Percentage of Residents Identifying as Immigrant | 38.9% | 41.7% | +7.2% |
Total Immigrants in Five Year Period Prior to Census Date | 4,850 | 5,010 | +3.3% |
Percentage of Those Recent Immigrants from an Asian Country | 67.6% | 74% | +9.4% |
Median Gross Income of Households in Tax Years 2015 and 2020 | $96,949 | $119,000 | +22.7% |
Fascinating Population Insights in Ajax
Exploring Resident Statistics in Ajax
A picture speaks a thousand words. This one might say even more than that. Ajax has been on a steady upswing in inhabitants even before the chart begins in 1951.

The Ajax population history is one of growth. Population growth is a sign of prosperity. By that measure, the town appears to be on the right historical track.
Understanding Median Age and Age Breakdown
Across the globe, populations are aging. The same holds true for Ajax where between 2016 and 2021, the number of seniors grew significantly. So too did the number of total inhabitants so the growth of seniors in real numbers was even more significant. A corresponding decline of 5.4% in the number of residents 14 and under redemonstrates the point. The Ajax average age is going up, a trend seen across the globe. This is bad, but Ajax is not unique in that respect.
Insights into Visible Minority and Immigrant Population
Known for its diversity, Ajax has more visible minorities than non-visible minorities making up over 64% of the total residents at last Census count in 2021. Not only is that number notable, but so too is the recent increase; 16% growth in visible minorities since 2016 alone! When it comes to the demographic makeup of Ajax, you’d be remiss in not pointing out the rich multicultural backgrounds of its people.
Also noteworthy is the number of South Asians making up over 25% of the total people living in the town. Between 2015 and 2021 the South Asian share of the total residents grew by more than 25%!
Marital Status Distribution
58% of the adults in the town are either married or in common law relationships. This number is down only slightly since 2016. This is a family oriented community, so it is not unusual to see that a majority of its adults are married.
Economic Status and Household Characteristics
Insights into Household Income in Ajax
The median total pre-tax household income of $119,000 (in 2020) handily beats the provincial median of $99,550. Nearby Markham’s median of $104,000 (2020) and next door neighbour Pickering’s was $118,000 (2020). By these standards, Ajax has the upper hand. Analysis of the demographic makeup of Ajax is highlighted by its higher than regional average household income.
Understanding Household Structure and Dwelling Types
39,488 residential dwellings in 2021 which was up over 5% since last count in 2016. This is another indication of Ajax’s continued growth.
About 86% of Ajax’s residences are various kinds of houses while the remaining 14% are apartments or condominium units. For comparison, Markham’s housing split is very different where 23% of residences are in apartments or condos (or non traditional single family houses).
And 86% of residences host more than one person. So only 14% are single person households. As you might expect, more urban cities see far more single person dwellings, for example, 33% of residences in Toronto are home to just one person.
Ajax Demographics in Short: Culturally Diverse Families
Ajax is growing and changing. Immigration continues to drive growth in the community, particularly in its South Asian population. Visible minorities make up over half of Ajax’s residents pointing to its diversity and multicultural community. It remains a traditional suburb in the sense that it caters to families via the mix of dwellings available, skewed towards supporting multi-person homes versus single person condos and the like. The Town of Ajax demographics are reflective of many local, provincial, national, and global trends.
References: Statistics Canada. 2023. Census Profile. 2021 Census of Population. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-316-X2021001. Ottawa. Released November 15, 2023.